After posting the first mini-story with O'Reilly, I recieved a message, saying that "Old men don't want to read about other old men. What about finnish girls in a sauna?" This is what happened:
O'Reilly pedaled his rickety bicycle with the bald tires as fast as his old-man legs allowed, down the bumpy field cart road. As he got close enough to see if Finnegan sat on the wooden bench outside his frontdoor (and that was very close already!!) he began to wave and holler. "Oy, Finnegan! Well, guess what!" But Finnegan had his hearing-aid turned off and couldn't see him, either, because he'd had his eyes closed and lifted his face up to the mild spring sun. "OY!!" yelled O'Reilly once more als loud as he could, climbed laborious off of his bicycle and tore in his haste to get through Finnegans Gardengate, a neat triangle in the seat of his pants on a nail sticking out of said gate. Finnegan nearly jumped out of his skin. "Saints on crutches, O'Reilly, don't yell as if the Lord-have-Mercy got you by the throat!" O'Reilly huffed, wiped with a soiled hankie sweat from his bald crown and appropriated Finnegan's bottle of beer. He pulled a crumpled envelope out of his pocket and waved it in front of his best friends face. "Well," said O'Reilly, "I entered in the contest in the AN PHOBLACHT, didn't I?" "Yeah," grunted Finnegan and closed his eyes again. "Well," said O'Reilly, "and this time I won." "Well, I'll be jiggered!" said Finnegan approvingly and pulled his old cap further down. "And what have you won?" "Well," said O'Reilly, "Wellness-weekend and a treatment in a Sauna, then...."Finnegan grinned. "Have ya ever been in a Sauna, Danny?" "Well," said O'Reilly, "ehr, nope." This time Finnegan chuckled, but wouldn't say anything.
Two Weeks later it it was time, O'Reilly pedaled to the trainstation with his little paste-board-suitcase, boarded the train and cleared off to Dublin, headed to his Wellness-weekend, even if he had no idea what that was.
A squeaky-clean, wellnessed and very quiet O'Reilly got off the train on monday, climbed on his bicycle and pedaled the field cart lane to Finnegans cottage. Finnegan was in his Garden and tied the Tomatoes back. When he saw O'Reilly, he took the pipe out of his mouth. "And?" was all he said. O'Reilly looked like the cat that got the canary. "Well," said O'Reilly, "was really nice, wasn't it? Especially the Sauna...." They watched a little sparrow picking in a flowerbed. "Coleens, too?" asked Finnegan then. "Well," said O'Reilly, "yes. From Finland...." He took another swig from Finnegans beer.
O'Reilly pedaled his rickety bicycle with the bald tires as fast as his old-man legs allowed, down the bumpy field cart road. As he got close enough to see if Finnegan sat on the wooden bench outside his frontdoor (and that was very close already!!) he began to wave and holler. "Oy, Finnegan! Well, guess what!" But Finnegan had his hearing-aid turned off and couldn't see him, either, because he'd had his eyes closed and lifted his face up to the mild spring sun. "OY!!" yelled O'Reilly once more als loud as he could, climbed laborious off of his bicycle and tore in his haste to get through Finnegans Gardengate, a neat triangle in the seat of his pants on a nail sticking out of said gate. Finnegan nearly jumped out of his skin. "Saints on crutches, O'Reilly, don't yell as if the Lord-have-Mercy got you by the throat!" O'Reilly huffed, wiped with a soiled hankie sweat from his bald crown and appropriated Finnegan's bottle of beer. He pulled a crumpled envelope out of his pocket and waved it in front of his best friends face. "Well," said O'Reilly, "I entered in the contest in the AN PHOBLACHT, didn't I?" "Yeah," grunted Finnegan and closed his eyes again. "Well," said O'Reilly, "and this time I won." "Well, I'll be jiggered!" said Finnegan approvingly and pulled his old cap further down. "And what have you won?" "Well," said O'Reilly, "Wellness-weekend and a treatment in a Sauna, then...."Finnegan grinned. "Have ya ever been in a Sauna, Danny?" "Well," said O'Reilly, "ehr, nope." This time Finnegan chuckled, but wouldn't say anything.
Two Weeks later it it was time, O'Reilly pedaled to the trainstation with his little paste-board-suitcase, boarded the train and cleared off to Dublin, headed to his Wellness-weekend, even if he had no idea what that was.
A squeaky-clean, wellnessed and very quiet O'Reilly got off the train on monday, climbed on his bicycle and pedaled the field cart lane to Finnegans cottage. Finnegan was in his Garden and tied the Tomatoes back. When he saw O'Reilly, he took the pipe out of his mouth. "And?" was all he said. O'Reilly looked like the cat that got the canary. "Well," said O'Reilly, "was really nice, wasn't it? Especially the Sauna...." They watched a little sparrow picking in a flowerbed. "Coleens, too?" asked Finnegan then. "Well," said O'Reilly, "yes. From Finland...." He took another swig from Finnegans beer.